AUC13155 John Deere OEM Mower Deck 48-inch Edge Cutting System

Replaces AUC11063, BG20815, BG20706, BG20439, BG20372, BG20942. The Edge Cutting System has been trademarked to emphasize the advantages of the John Deere mower deck designs. They give superior convenience, performance, and reliability: Deep-deck mower design lifts grass for a clean, even cut. Smooth underside of mower prevents grass buildup and evenly disperses grass clippings. The rolled outer edge of the deck provides extra strength and protection. Dual-stage E-coat and powder paint coatings provide extra protection from rust. Mower deck is a three-spindle design with heavy-duty characteristics. Four mower wheels are standard equipment for a smooth mowing job, even in rolling terrain. Flexible discharge chute minimizes property and mower deck damage. No tools are required to go from mulching (with mulch cover) to side discharge to rear bagging. Mulch cover is an optional attachment. A high-performance mulching blade (GX21786) is available to enhance mulching performance. The mower deck has a rolled lip to provide greater strength and protection. The rugged 12-gauge 0.105-in. 2.7-mm steel mower will provide years of dependable mowing. The blade-to-spindle design provides a unique mounting system for the mower blade that gives extra safety and convenience. A wash port is provided to make cleaning the underside of the mower deck easy. A hose connector is included with mower deck. The StarLock blade design keeps the blade bolt at the correct torque for easy removal. Optional blades for difficult mulching or bagging conditions are available. Please message us with your model and serial number if you have any questions, and we will be happy to help! We reserve the right to cancel the sale of any item to any person/business that is NOT the end user of this product. Warning: Cancer and Reproductive Harm – Visit.

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Categories: auc13155
Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 17 Sep 2024 @ 07 22 AM

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Genuine OEM Husqvarna Clearcut Lower Black Chute for 48-Inch, 588813701

Genuine OEM Husqvarna Clearcut Lower Black Chute for 48-Inch, 588813701

Genuine OEM Husqvarna Clearcut Lower Black Chute for 48-Inch, 588813701

Genuine OEM Husqvarna Clearcut Lower Black Chute for 48-Inch Deck Mowers / 588813701. / STARTS BRAND AND MODELS / html{box-sizing:border-box}, :before, :after{box-sizing:inherit} html{-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%}body{margin:0} article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, main, menu, nav, section{display:block}summary{display:list-item} audio, canvas, progress, video{display:inline-block}progress{vertical-align:baseline} audio:not([controls]){display:none;height:0}[hidden], template{display:none} a{background-color:transparent}a:active, a:hover{outline-width:0} abbr[title]{border-bottom:none;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline dotted} b, strong{font-weight:bolder}dfn{font-style:italic}mark{background:#ff0;color:#000} small{font-size:80%}sub, sup{font-size:75%;line-height:0;position:relative;vertical-align:baseline} sub{bottom:-0.25em}sup{top:-0.5em}figure{margin:1em 40px}img{border-style:none} code, kbd, pre, samp{font-family:monospace, monospace;font-size:1em}hr{box-sizing:content-box;height:0;overflow:visible} button, input, select, textarea, optgroup{font:inherit;margin:0}optgroup{font-weight:bold} button, input{overflow:visible}button, select{text-transform:none} button, [type=button], [type=reset], [type=submit]{-webkit-appearance:button} button::-moz-focus-inner, [type=button]::-moz-focus-inner, [type=reset]::-moz-focus-inner, [type=submit]::-moz-focus-inner{border-style:none;padding:0} / End extract / html, body{font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; line-height: 1.1}html{overflow-x:hidden} h1{font-size: 22px}h2{font-size:30px}h3{font-size:24px}h4{font-size:20px}h5{font-size:18px}h6{font-size:16px}. 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Compatible with the Following Husqvarna Models. 582559701 (2019-05) Collection System, 48-inch. 582559801 (2019-05) Collection System, 48-inch. 582559601 (2019-05) Collection System, 48-inch. May Fit Additional Models & Brands Which Are NOT Listed Above. Since 1966 Power Mower Sales has been a premier family-owned Outdoor Power Equipment superstore. We specialize in equipment, parts and accessories for homeowners, commercial landscapers, businesses and municipalities alike. We are authorized dealers for over 35 major brands of Power Equipment. Our knowledgeable & friendly staff is committed to delivering superior customer service and getting you the parts you need fast. Important: Please seek our help if you are unsure of the part number. You will need the make & model. Waved if you reorder the correct part with us. Electrical parts are not returnable. Need help locating a part? Just have a question? Please use this link. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Lawn Mowers, Parts & Accessories\Lawn Mower Parts”. The seller is “powermowersalesonline” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Wallis and Futuna, Sudan, Gambia, Malaysia, Mayotte, Taiwan, Poland, Oman, Suriname, United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Argentina, Guinea-Bissau, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Bhutan, Senegal, Togo, Ireland, Qatar, Burundi, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Equatorial Guinea, Thailand, Aruba, Sweden, Iceland, Macedonia, Belgium, Israel, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Benin, Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Italy, Swaziland, Tanzania, Pakistan, Burkina Faso, Panama, Singapore, Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland, Djibouti, Chile, China, Mali, Botswana, Republic of Croatia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Portugal, Malta, Tajikistan, Vietnam, Cayman Islands, Paraguay, Saint Helena, Cyprus, Seychelles, Rwanda, Bangladesh, Australia, Austria, Sri Lanka, Gabon Republic, Zimbabwe, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Norway, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Burma, Kiribati, Turkmenistan, Grenada, Greece, Haiti, Greenland, Yemen, Afghanistan, Montenegro, Mongolia, Nepal, Bahamas, Bahrain, United Kingdom, Dominica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Angola, Western Samoa, France, Mozambique, Namibia, Peru, Denmark, Guatemala, Solomon Islands, Vatican City State, Sierra Leone, Nauru, Anguilla, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Cameroon, Guyana, Azerbaijan Republic, Macau, Georgia, Tonga, San Marino, Eritrea, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Morocco, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belarus, Mauritania, Belize, Philippines, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Western Sahara, Comoros, Colombia, Spain, Estonia, Bermuda, Montserrat, Zambia, South Korea, Somalia, Vanuatu, Ecuador, Albania, Ethiopia, Monaco, Niger, Laos, Ghana, Cape Verde Islands, Moldova, Madagascar, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Lebanon, Liberia, Bolivia, Maldives, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Central African Republic, Lesotho, Nigeria, Mauritius, Saint Lucia, Jordan, Guinea, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Turks and Caicos Islands, Chad, Andorra, Romania, Costa Rica, India, Mexico, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Lithuania, Trinidad and Tobago, Malawi, Nicaragua, Finland, Tunisia, Luxembourg, Uganda, Brazil, Turkey, Tuvalu, Germany, Egypt, Latvia, Jamaica, Niue, South Africa, Brunei Darussalam, Honduras.

  • Brand: Husqvarna
  • Type: Home & Garden
  • Power Source: None
  • Model: Husqvarna
  • MPN: 588813701
  • Item Height: 37.000
  • Item Length: 20.000
  • Item Width: 10.000
  • UPC: 706919838313
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Categories: Uncategorized
Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 27 Nov 2022 @ 01 59 AM

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Yard Commander 48-Inch Tow Behind Lawn Sweeper with 4-Foot Clearing Width

Yard Commander 48-Inch Tow Behind Lawn Sweeper with 4-Foot Clearing Width

Yard Commander 48-Inch Tow Behind Lawn Sweeper with 4-Foot Clearing Width

Yard Commander 48-Inch Tow Behind Lawn Sweeper with 4-Foot Clearing Width

Yard Commander 48-Inch Tow Behind Lawn Sweeper with 4-Foot Clearing Width

Tools & Home Improvement. Patio, Lawn & Garden. Beauty & Personal Care. Pro Audio & Sound. Car Audio & Electronics. Sign Up for Our. Yard Commander 48-Inch Tow Behind Lawn Sweeper with 4-Foot Clearing Width. Designed for larger lawns and public areas, the Yard Commander 48-Inch Tow Behind Lawn Sweeper can help tackle the biggest jobs. It boasts an impressive four-foot clearing width and a hopper capacity of almost fifteen cubic feet. With little effort, the 48-inch sweeper allows you to clear larger areas of lawn debris in shorter amounts of time. Attaching quickly and easily to any garden tractor or ATV/UTV and featuring rubber wheels and rust-resistant powder coat finish, the Yard Commander 48-Inch Tow Behind Lawn Sweeper is prepared to tackle jobs in the elements across seasons. This premium yard tool provides the kind of clean sweep that manicures lawns like a true professional, making it a must-have for anyone who wants to keep a crisp, clean yard. Clears large areas of debris in a shorter amount of time. Attaches easily to any garden tractor or ATV. Hopper capacity: 14.6 cubic feet. Brush diameter: 10 inches. Clearing width: 48 inches. Rubber wheel: 10.5 x 2.375 inches. Grass weight: 88.18 pounds. Dimensions: (L x W x H) 56.7 x 16.9 x 13 inches. Questions about this item? Cancelling Your Order: Your order is important to us and will be processed immediately. Select the reason for the return. We welcome your inquiry! The item “Yard Commander 48-Inch Tow Behind Lawn Sweeper with 4-Foot Clearing Width” is in sale since Tuesday, June 9, 2020. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Lawn Mowers, Parts & Accessories\Lawn Mower Parts”. The seller is “vm-express” and is located in Lincoln, Nebraska. This item can be shipped to United States.

  • Brand: Yard Commander
  • MPN: YTL-003-048
  • Type: Lawn Sweeper
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Categories: Uncategorized
Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 22 Mar 2021 @ 02 41 AM

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Snapper SPX2548 48-Inch FAB Deck 25HP Riding Tractor Mower #2691453

Snapper SPX2548 48-Inch FAB Deck 25HP Riding Tractor Mower #2691453. SPX Series Riding Mower 48 Deck Briggs and Stratton. Briggs & Stratton Professional Series V-Twin OHV 25HP. Transmission Hydro Tuff-Torq K46. 48 Fabricated Steel Deck. 1.5 – 4 Inches. The item “Snapper SPX2548 48-Inch FAB Deck 25HP Riding Tractor Mower #2691453″ is in sale since Wednesday, October 31, 2018. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Lawn Mowers\Riding Lawn Mowers”. The seller is “brandnewengine” and is located in Tipton, Iowa. This item can be shipped to United States.

  • California Prop 65 Warning: Warning Cancer and Reproductive Harm. For more information please visit
  • Power Source: Gas
  • Type: Lawn Tractor
  • Brand: Snapper
  • Drive Type: RWD
  • UPC: Does not apply
  • Emissions: Not approved for sale in California
  • Engine Size: 25 hp
  • Model: 2691453
  • MPN: 2691453
  • Cutting Width: 48
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Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 17 Sep 2020 @ 02 47 PM

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John Deere 48-inch Deck Mulching Kit Fits Many 48 Decks

John Deere 48-inch Deck Mulching Kit Fits Many 48 Decks. 48 mulching kit from John Deere. The mulching attachment allows converting the mower so it can be used to mulch grass or leaves. Remember you will have to follow the 1/3rd rule. No more than 1/3 of the grass blade should be cut off at one time. This allows more efficient mulching and will promote the continued good health of the grass. If the desired cut height can’t be achieved by cutting off 1/3, or there is clumping of the clippings, it may be required to cut higher; wait a day, then lower the mower and make a second pass. Mow at proper intervals approximately every 4 to 5 days. This kit includes two deflector ramps that are used to redirect the clippings into the blades for recutting. Specially shaped mulch blades with longer cutting edges that are designed to cut grass into fine clippings and direct them into the turf. This kit also includes installation instructions. This kit does not fit 48C decks. This 48″ mulching kit is compatible on the following models with 48″ decks that have three blades. 170, 175, 160 and 185 Lawn Tractors 240, 245, 260, 265, 285 & 320 Lawn and Garden Tractors F510 and F525 Front Mowers 38-Inch. 48-Inch and 54-Inch Commercial Walk-Behind Mowers LX172, LX173, LX176, LX178, LX186 and LX188 Lawn Tractors F710 and F725 Front Mowers F71 0 and F725 Front Mowers GT242, GT262 and GT275 Lawn and Garden Tractors GT242. GT262 and GT275 Lawn and Garden Tractors 325, 335 and 345 Lawn and Garden Tractors 325,335 and 345 Lawn and Garden Tractors 425, 445, 455 HD45 and HD7S Hydrostatic Commercial Walk-Behind Mowers 48-Inch Mower Decks for Z-TRAK Mowers (Not 7 Iron Decks) 18426V Sabre Lawn and Garden 1842HV Sabre Lawn and Garden 1848GV Sabre Lawn and Garden. 1848HV Sabre Lawn and Garden 1948GV Sabre Lawn and Garden 1948HV Sabre Lawn and Garden 2048HV Sabre Lawn and Garden 2148HV Sabre Lawn and Garden. Great fit bolted right in , all holes existed. Slow your cutting speed a bit, compared to normal. Lawn looks like carpet after cutting. The kit was easy to install and fit perfect. From 7024 Van Rd Duluth MN 55803. This mulching kit was easy to install and my yard looks much better mowed with the mulching kit. No longer have grass blown up in piles and it mulches leaves also. I have noticed that I need to run the engine at a higher rpm than I did with just the regular mower to do the mulching. Should have bought this a long time ago. Great investment for my tractor. No clean up and a well manicured yard. From Highland Park, IL. Great product at a great price. Relatively easy to install. Just need to drill a couple bolt holes in the deck. The item “John Deere 48-inch Deck Mulching Kit Fits Many 48 Decks” is in sale since Thursday, September 29, 2016. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Lawnmowers\Parts & Accessories”. The seller is “thegreendealer” and is located in Ashmore, Illinois. This item can be shipped to United States.

  • Brand: John Deere
  • MPN: BM19918
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Unknown
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Categories: Uncategorized
Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 30 Oct 2016 @ 02 31 AM

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