04 May 2024 @ 11:29 AM 

John Deere GT262 Gt242 LX172 LX176 Front Axle AM118307

John Deere GT262 Gt242 LX172 LX176 Front Axle AM118307

John Deere GT262 Gt242 LX172 LX176 Front Axle AM118307

John Deere GT262 Gt242 LX172 LX176 Front Axle AM118307

John Deere GT262 Gt242 LX172 LX176 Front Axle AM118307

John Deere GT262 Gt242 LX172 LX176 Front Axle AM118307

John Deere GT262 Gt242 LX172 LX176 Front Axle AM118307

Used front axle off a JD LX172, in good shape, very little pay in axle pivot pin anchors. This axle is set up for the LX and Gt242 spindles but they can be changed out to the larger diameter GT262 and Gt275. Fits many models with serial numbers pre: 11000.

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Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 04 May 2024 @ 11 29 AM


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