19 Mar 2024 @ 8:58 PM 

Jungle Jim’s Jungle Wheels Two Wheel Sulky Red New In Unopened Box

Jungle Jim's Jungle Wheels Two Wheel Sulky Red New In Unopened Box

Jungle Jim's Jungle Wheels Two Wheel Sulky Red New In Unopened Box

Jungle Jim's Jungle Wheels Two Wheel Sulky Red New In Unopened Box

Jungle Jim’s Jungle Wheels Two Wheel Sulky – Red. The Jungle Wheels stand-on-sulky from Jungle Jim’s gives you a competitive advantage because you can mow faster, easier, and leave lawns looking better with no unwanted tracks. Jungle Jim’s realizes that sulkies without wheels can cut into the turf and cause imbalance, which produces an uneven cut. The revolutionary third pivot point and rear-weighted design of the Jungle Wheels enables an even cut across the roughest terrain. The Hook Up feature comes standard and maximizes trailer space. (Patent # 5,413,364) Even Striping A unique advantage to the two-wheel Jungle Wheels design is that unlike one wheel units, the wheels follow the mower tracks, allowing the operator to stripe a yard without unwanted tracks.

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Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 19 Mar 2024 @ 08 58 PM


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