Genuine OEM Husqvarna Seat (Gray) for Lawn Mower and Tractors / 2748 GLS, GTH 2654 T, LGT 2654, YTH 1542 XPT, LGT2554, YT42XLS, YT42DXLS, LGT24K54, LOYTH20F42 / 532424068, 532439822. / STARTS BRAND AND MODELS / html{box-sizing:border-box}, :before, :after{box-sizing:inherit} html{-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%}body{margin:0} article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, main, menu, nav, section{display:block}summary{display:list-item} audio, canvas, progress, video{display:inline-block}progress{vertical-align:baseline} audio:not([controls]){display:none;height:0}[hidden], template{display:none} a{background-color:transparent}a:active, a:hover{outline-width:0} abbr[title]{border-bottom:none;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline dotted} b, strong{font-weight:bolder}dfn{font-style:italic}mark{background:#ff0;color:#000} small{font-size:80%}sub, sup{font-size:75%;line-height:0;position:relative;vertical-align:baseline} sub{bottom:-0.25em}sup{top:-0.5em}figure{margin:1em 40px}img{border-style:none} code, kbd, pre, samp{font-family:monospace, monospace;font-size:1em}hr{box-sizing:content-box;height:0;overflow:visible} button, input, select, textarea, optgroup{font:inherit;margin:0}optgroup{font-weight:bold} button, input{overflow:visible}button, select{text-transform:none} button, [type=button], [type=reset], [type=submit]{-webkit-appearance:button} button::-moz-focus-inner, [type=button]::-moz-focus-inner, [type=reset]::-moz-focus-inner, [type=submit]::-moz-focus-inner{border-style:none;padding:0} / End extract / html, body{font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; line-height: 1.1}html{overflow-x:hidden} h1{font-size: 22px}h2{font-size:30px}h3{font-size:24px}h4{font-size:20px}h5{font-size:18px}h6{font-size:16px}. 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The seat is designed to provide the operator with a comfortable place to sit while using the machine. The seat is made with high-quality padding on durable plastic. Package Qty: (1) Seat (Gray). View Compatible Models by Brand. Replaces Husqvarna Part #s. Compatible with the Following Husqvarna Models. 2042 LS (96043004200) (2008-01) Ride Mower. 2042 LS (96043004800) (2007-12) Ride Mower. 2246 LS (96043004300) (2008-01) Ride Mower. 2346 XLS (96043004500) (2008-01) Ride Mower. 2348 LS (96043004400) (2008-01) Ride Mower. 2348 LS (96043004900) (2008-03) Ride Mower. 2748 GLS (96043004600) (2008-01) Ride Mower. 2748 GLS (96043005000) (2008-03) Ride Mower. 2754 GLS (96043004700) (2008-01) Ride Mower. GTH 2448 T (917.279260) (960430009) (2006-06) Ride Mower. GTH 2448 T (96043000900) (2006-06) Ride Mower. GTH 2448 T (96043000901) (2006-06) Ride Mower. GTH 2454 T (96043002300) (2006-06) Ride Mower. GTH 26 K 54 (96043003100) (2006-11) Ride Mower. GTH 26 K 54 T (96043001100) (2006-03) Ride Mower. GTH 26 K 54 T (96043001101) (2006-03) Ride Mower. GTH 2648 (96043003000) (2006-12) Ride Mower. GTH 2654 T (96043001000) (2006-03) Ride Mower. GTH 2654 T (96043001001) (2006-03) Ride Mower. GTH 2654 T (96043001002) (2006-03) Ride Mower. LGT 2654 (96043003600) (2007-05) Ride Mower. LGT 2654 (96043003601) (2008-01) Ride Mower. LGT 2654 (96045000700) (2006-11) Ride Mower. LGT 2654 (96045000702) (2008-03) Ride Mower. LOGTH 2448 T (96045000300) (2005-11) Ride Mower. LOYTH 20 F 42 T (96045000200) (2006-02) Ride Mower. LOYTH 20 F 42 T (96045000201) (2006-02) Ride Mower. YTH 1542 XP (YTH 1542 XPT) (96043000602) (2006-10) Ride Mower. YTH 1542 XPT (96043000600) (2006-06) Ride Mower. YTH 1542 XPT (96043000601) (2006-06) Ride Mower. YTH 1542 XPT (96043000603) (2008-01) Ride Mower. YTH 1542 XPT (96043000604) (2008-01) Ride Mower. YTH 1542 XPT (CA) (96043005100) (2007-12) Ride Mower. YTH 1848 XPT (96043000700) (2006-03) Ride Mower. YTH 1848 XPT (96043000701) (2006-03) Ride Mower. YTH 20 F 42 T (917.279240) (960430005) (2006-05) Ride Mower. YTH 20 F 42 T (96043000500) (2006-05) Ride Mower. YTH 20 F 42 T (96043000501) (2006-05) Ride Mower. YTH 20 K 46 (96045000404) (2007-10) Ride Mower. YTH 20 K 46 (96045000405) (2008-01) Ride Mower. YTH 20 K 46 (96045000406) (2008-03) Ride Mower. YTH 2146 XP (96043002900) (2006-12) Ride Mower. YTH 2146 XP (96043002901) (2008-01) Ride Mower. YTH 2146 XP (CA) (96043005200) (2007-12) Ride Mower. YTH 2348 (96043003500) (2006-11) Ride Mower. YTH 2348 (96043003501) (2008-01) Ride Mower. YTH 2348 (96045000500) (2006-11) Ride Mower. YTH 2348 (96045000501) (2008-02) Ride Mower. YTH 2348 (96045000502) (2008-04) Ride Mower. YTH 2448 T (917.279200) (2006-05) Ride Mower. YTH 2448 T (917.279201) (2006-05) Ride Mower. YTH 2448 T (96043000800) (2006-03) Ride Mower. YTH 2448 T (96043000801) (2006-04) Ride Mower. YTH 2448 T (96043000802) (2006-03) Ride Mower. YTH 2454 (96042004800) (2007-04) Ride Mower. YTH 2454 (96043003400) (2006-12) Ride Mower. YTH 2454 (96043003401) (2006-12) Ride Mower. YTH 2454 (96043003402) (2008-02) Ride Mower. YTH 2454 (TSC) (96043005400) (2008-04) Ride Mower. YTH 2454 T (917.279220) (2006-05) Ride Mower. YTH 2454 T (96043002200) (2006-03) Ride Mower. YTH 2454 T (96043002203) (2006-03) Ride Mower. LGT2554 (96043006100) Lawn Tractor. LGT2554 (96043006101) Lawn Tractor. LGT2554 (96043007400) Lawn Tractor. LGT2554 (96043008200) Lawn Tractor. LGT2554 (96043009400) Lawn Tractor. LGT2554 (96045001500) Lawn Tractor. LGT2554 (96045001501) Lawn Tractor. LGT2554 (96045001502) Lawn Tractor. LGT2554 (96045001503) Lawn Tractor. LGT2554 (96045001504) Lawn Tractor. LGT2554 (96045001700) Lawn Tractor. LGT2554 (96045001701) Lawn Tractor. LGT2554 (96045002800) Lawn Tractor. LGT2554 (96045003100) Lawn Tractor. RZ4623 Ride On Mower. YTH24V48LS (2011-10)(96048001401) Lawn Tractor. YTH24V48LS (2011-08)(96043011603) Lawn Tractor. YTH24V48LS (2012-08)(96048001402) Lawn Tractor. RZ4216 (966455801) Riding Lawn Mower. YTH2348 (96045000504) Riding Lawn Mower. YT46LS (96043015000) Garden Tractor. YTH22V46 Lawn Mower Tractor. YTH2348 96043005901 Riding Lawn Mower. YTH26V54 (96043011103) Riding Lawn Mower. LG2654 (96043018300) (2013-09) Tractor. LGT24K54 (96043012702) (2011-08) Tractor. LGT24K54 (96043012701) (2011-01) Tractor. LGT24K54 (240472) (2012-11) Tractor. LGT24K54 (240471) (2011-09) Tractor. LGT24K54 (240470) (2010-12) Tractor. YT42XLS (96048008300) (2014-06) Tractor. YT42XLS (96048006400) (2013-09) Tractor. YT42XLS (96043019300) (2014-04) Tractor. YT42XLS (96043015401) (2013-08) Tractor. YT42 XLS (96043015400) (2012-09) Tractor. YT42 XLS (96043015301) (2013-08) Tractor. YT42 XLS (96043015300) (2012-09) Tractor. YT42CS (96043022300) (2015-12) Tractor. YT42CS (96043022200) (2015-12) Tractor. YT42CS (502120) (2015-12) Tractor. YT42CS (502110) (2015-12) Tractor. YT42DXL (96045007000) (2018-01) Tractor. YT42DXL (2018-01) 96043027300 Tractor. YT42DXLS (96048008401) (2015-07) Tractor. YT42DXLS (96048008400) (2014-10) Tractor. YT42DXLS (96043026300) (2017-09) Tractor. YT42DXLS (96043022100) (2016-01) Tractor. YT42DXLS (96043022000) (2016-01) Tractor. YT42DXLS (96043020401) (2015-07) Tractor. YT42DXLS (96043020400) (2014-10) Tractor. YT42DXLS (96043020301) (2015-06) Tractor. YT42DXLS (96043020300) (2014-10) Tractor. YT42LS (96043023400) (2017-02) Tractor. YT42LS (96043023000) (2016-09) Tractor. YT42LS (96043020200) (2014-10) Tractor. YT42LS (96043020100) (2014-10) Tractor. YT42LS (96043019000) (2013-12) Tractor. YT42LS (96043017600) (2013-09) Tractor. YT48XLS (96048008500) (2014-10) Tractor. YT48XLS (96043020500) (2014-10) Tractor. YT48XLS (96043019400) (2014-04) Tractor. YT48XLS (96043015601) (2013-08) Tractor. YT48 XLS (96043015600) (2012-09) Tractor. YT48XLS (96043015501) (2013-09) Tractor. YT48 XLS (96043015500) (2012-09) Tractor. YT48DXLS (96048009700) (2016-07) Tractor. YT48DXLS (96043028200) (2017-11) Tractor. YT48DXLS (96043026900) (2017-10) Tractor. YT48DXLS (96043026400) (2017-09) Tractor. YT48DXLS (96043022700) (2016-07) Tractor. YT48DXLS (96043022600) (2016-07) Tractor. YT54LS (96043017001) (2013-11) Tractor. YT54 LS (96043015200) (2012-10) Tractor. YTA1946 (96048005500) (2013-12) Tractor. YTA20V46 (96048009000) (2015-10) Tractor. LGT24K54 (96043012700) (2010-11) Tractor. LGTH2454 (96043010700) (2010-05) Tractor. LOGTH2448 (96045000300, 960450003) (2005-11) T Tractor. LOGTH2448 (96045000300) (2006) T, 2006 Tractor. LOYTH20F42 (96045000201, 960450002) (2006-02) T Tractor. LOYTH20F42 (96045000201) (2006) T, 2006 Tractor. LOYTH20F42 (96045000200, 960450002) (2006-02) T Tractor. LOYTH20F42 (96045000200) (2006) T, 2006 Tractor. YTA22V46 (96045005300) (2015-07) Tractor. YTA22V46 (96045005100) (2015-07) Tractor. May Fit Additional Models & Brands Which Are NOT Listed Above. Since 1966 Power Mower Sales has been a premier family-owned Outdoor Power Equipment superstore. We specialize in equipment, parts and accessories for homeowners, commercial landscapers, businesses and municipalities alike. We are authorized dealers for over 35 major brands of Power Equipment. Our knowledgeable & friendly staff is committed to delivering superior customer service and getting you the parts you need fast. Important: Please seek our help if you are unsure of the part number. You will need the make & model. Waved if you reorder the correct part with us. Electrical parts are not returnable. Need help locating a part? Just have a question? Please use this link.
Applications: AYP Over 254 Models Use this Clutch AYP Poulan Pro Series AYP Statesman Series AYP Too Many To List AYP YTH2148 – YTH2448 Series Husqvarna Over 254 Models Use this Clutch Husqvarna Too Many To List Husqvarna YTH Series Husqvarna YTKH Series Sears Craftsman Over 254 Models Use this Clutch Sears Craftsman Too Many To List. PTO Clutch For Husqvarna YTH2454 YTH2448 YTH2348 YTH2148 2346XLS 532179334. AYP Over 254 Models Use this Clutch AYP Poulan Pro Series AYP Statesman Series AYP Too Many To List AYP YTH2148 – YTH2448 Series Husqvarna Over 254 Models Use this Clutch Husqvarna Too Many To List Husqvarna YTH Series Husqvarna YTKH Series Sears Craftsman Over 254 Models Use this Clutch Sears Craftsman Too Many To List. Replaces OEM Part Numbers. HUSQVARNA: 179334, 179334, 400008, 414336, 471717P, 532179334, 532400008, 532414336 Sears Craftsman: 179334, 179334, 400008, 414336, 471717P, 532179334, 532400008, 532414336 Rotary 15772 Xtreme: X0569. Crankshaft ID: 1″ Diameter Pulley: 6″ Direction: Counter clockwise Uses belt width: 1/2″ or 5/8″. 179334, 400008, 414336, 471717P, 532179334. 532400008, 532414336, 15772, X0569. For Xtreme, For Husqvarna. Depends on the horsepower of your lawn mower’s engine. We cannot change any address after checkout has been completed. Please make sure you submit your correct address! Except weekend and other irresistible factors. Any returning or exchanging item must be in new condition and cannot be tempered. We will offer help to resolve your problems as fast as possible. Brake Pads & Rotors. Mass Air Flow Sensor. Cylinder Head Gasket Set. Cylinder Pistion Gasket Set. Variable Timing Solenoid (VVT). Motorcycle Carburetor & Parts. ATV Rear Wheel Axle. ABS Wheel Speed Sensor. Spark Plug Ignition Wire. Air Cleaner Filter Box. Oil Catch Can Tank. Air suspension valves solenoid. Fuel Shut Off Solenoid. Air Ride Suspension Valves. Brake Calipers & Rotors Pads. ATV Brake Master Cylinder. Oil Fuel Hose Line. Brake Pads & Sensors. Other Golf Cart Parts. Brake Drum + Shoes. Brake Drum + Shoe. UTV & ATV Brake System Parts. Kevlar Carbon Brake Pads. Lower Kits & Parts. Shift Knobs & Boots. Control Arms & Parts. Brake Rotors Pads & Drum Shoe. Brake Pads & Shoes. Rear Window Louver Cover. Engine Splash Shield Guard. AC Compressor Control Valve. Air suspension valve solenoid. 3 in 1 Portable Air Conditioner Cooling Fan with 3 Speeds for Home Room Office. US 1HP Shallow Well Jet Water Pump with Tank 12.3GPM Booster Water 2800L/H. 12V 1110GPH Submersible Water Pump Clean Clear Dirty Pool Pond Flood Drain Tool.
Brand New Genuine Husqvarna 587241601 PTO Clutch Z248F Z254 Z254F TC238 TC342 YTH24V54… Genuine Husqvarna Part # 587241601 Fits Specific Husqvarna Models Z248F, Z254, Z254F, TC238, TC342, YTH24V54, That Require This Part # Also Will Fit Other Husqvarna Produced Brands that Require This Part Number (AYP, Craftsman, Jonsered, McCulloch, Poulan, Poulan Pro, RedMax, Sears, Weed Eater) Please Make Sure to Order For Your Model/Spec/Serial Not By Looks or Guessing Genuine OEM Husqvarna Part. Genuine Husqvarna 587241601 PTO Clutch Z248F Z254 Z254F TC238 TC342 YTH24V54. Genuine Husqvarna Part # 587241601. Fits Specific Husqvarna Models Z248F, Z254, Z254F, TC238, TC342, YTH24V54, That Require This Part #. Also Will Fit Other Husqvarna Produced Brands that Require This Part Number (AYP, Craftsman, Jonsered, McCulloch, Poulan, Poulan Pro, RedMax, Sears, Weed Eater). Please Make Sure to Order For Your Model/Spec/Serial Not By Looks or Guessing. Genuine OEM Husqvarna Part. This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Deck Rebuild Kit Husqvarna 54 RZ5424 RZ5426 RZ5422 RZ54i Z254. (3) Complete Spindle Assembly 80-12-001 replaces OEM. Ariens: 21546238, 21546299, 21549012. AYP: 187292, 192870, 532192870, 587125401. Husqvarna: 192870, 532187281, 532187292, 532192870, 539112057, 587253301. McCulloch: 532 19 28-70. (1) 5/8 X 154 Deck Belt 80-90-960 replaces OEM. (3) 18-1/2 Blade 11180 Replaces OEM. May come with gator blades when in stock. AYP: 187254, 187256, 33954, 532187256, 574292401, 575938401, 917187254, 917532187254, 917532187256, 917539112053, 917777187256. Husqvarna: 532187254, 532187256, 539112053, 777187256. Poulan: 532187256, 539112053, 574292401, 575938401, 777187256. (3) Spindle Pulleys 80-91-050 replaces OEM. AYP: 129861, 153535, 173436, 532173436.
Applications: Husqvarna Models: 2754GLS, EZ 5224 BF, GT2254, GTH 2548, GTH 26V48LS, GTH260, GTH 2648, GTH 2654, GTH 2654T, GTH 27V52LS, GTH 2752TF, GTH 24K54, GTH 24V52LS, GTH 263T, GTH 264T, GTH 27V48LS, GTH 3052TF, LGT2554, LGT 3554, LGT 2654, LGT 24K54, LGTH22V48, LGTH 2454, YTH 2454, GTH 3052TDF, YTH220, Z448, Z454, Z454X. Jonsered Models: LT2223 A2, LT2227 A2, LT2323 A2, 2754GTHI, GT52F, LGT54, Z52XF. Poulan Pro Models: PB23H48LGT, PBGT26H54, PBLGT26H54, PP22V48, PPLGT2248. Replaces OEM Part Numbers: HUSQVARNA: 179335, 414737, 532179335 Xtreme: X0169. Specs: Crankshaft ID: 1.125″ Diameter Pulley: 6 1/8″ Direction: Counter clockwise Uses belt width: 1/2″ or 5/8″. PTO Clutch for Husqvarna 532179335 GT48XLS GT52XLS GTH2448 GTH2548 YTH2454 +. Husqvarna Models: 2754GLS, EZ 5224 BF, GT2254, GTH 2548, GTH 26V48LS, GTH260, GTH 2648, GTH 2654, GTH 2654T, GTH 27V52LS, GTH 2752TF, GTH 24K54, GTH 24V52LS, GTH 263T, GTH 264T, GTH 27V48LS, GTH 3052TF, LGT2554, LGT 3554, LGT 2654, LGT 24K54, LGTH22V48, LGTH 2454, YTH 2454, GTH 3052TDF, YTH220, Z448, Z454, Z454X. Replaces OEM Part Numbers. HUSQVARNA: 179335, 414737, 532179335 Xtreme: X0169. Crankshaft ID: 1.125″ Diameter Pulley: 6 1/8″ Direction: Counter clockwise Uses belt width: 1/2″ or 5/8″. Depends on the horsepower of your lawn mower’s engine. For Husqvarna, For Xtreme. If you have reached any targeted discount threshold(s), please contact our customer services after you received all your items. CARMASUSPENSIONS has the final power of interpretation of all the above Targeted Discount Terms and Procedures. Proposition 65 requires businesses to provide warnings to Californians about significant exposures to chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Virgin Islands, Northern Marianas, Guam are not deliverable. Which only includes suspension kit, control arm, tie rod end, ball joint, sway bar, stabilizer link, pitman arm, idler arm, steering center link. Promises free replacement due to quality defects or item not as described issues within 90 calendar days from the date when buyers receive their items in the situation when buyers are willing to provide convictive proofs or professional diagnose report if required, otherwise. Has the right to refuse any replacement requests. 38mm Cylinder Head Piston Kit For Stihl FS160 FS220 FS280 NEW. 49mm Cylinder Piston Assembly Kit For Stihl TS400 TS 400 NEW. 47mm Cylinder Piston Assembly Kit For Stihl MS310 Chainsaw NEW. 34mm Cylinder Head Piston Kit For Stihl FS55 FS45 FS38 FC55 BG45 BG55 4140 020. 52mm Cylinder Piston Assembly Kit For Husqvarna 61 268 272 272K 272XP Chainsaw. New Electric PTO Clutch For Bobcat 2721337. Electric PTO Clutch For Warner 5210-27 5215-120 Crankshaft 1″ Pulley OD 4.8″. Electric PTO Clutch for Sears Craftsman 7053740.
Husqvarna ELITE OEM OGURA ELECTRIC PTO CLUTCH 180505 / 532180505 / 583389701. 179333, 180505, 421612, 532179333, 532180505, 532421612, 583389701. 179333, 180505, 421612, 532180505, 583389701. ALSO FITS OTHER HUSQVARNA BUILT RIDERS, ETC BRANDED FOR ARIENS, SNAPPER, McCULLOCH, ETC, ETC. 2690782, 2690783 and 2690829.
Center Hole Size. Oregon® Gator® G3T 95-605 is your go-to blade in all conditions including wet, dry, and sandy turf. It’s not a replacement blade. It’s an upgrade. Requires 3 blades for 54 cut. Aggressive blade angle increases air flow to push debris up and out for superior bagging or side discharge. Cleaner, more efficient cutting performance can reduce bagging needs. Gator® Mulcher feature provides efficiency in normal or abrasive conditions. Major brand replacement: AYP.
This is a new aftermarket non-OEM tiller tine replacement set for some Craftsman, Husqvarna, and Ariens rear tine tillers. It includes 12 of the larger tines and 2 of the smaller cleaning tines. It replaces the following part numbers. Ariens 21546164 Ariens 21546165 Craftsman / Husqvarna 532163499 Craftsman / Husqvarna 532163500. It also replaces the tines on the Husqvarna 584406702 tine assembly (but does not include the brackets). We have access to many additional Craftsman Husqvarna and Ariens parts, so please let us know if there is a particular part that you would like us to list for you. Please let us know if you have any further questions on this item!
We strongly suggest comparing the posted picture to your faulty unit! SPINDLE BELT BLADE PULLEY 3 SETS. Includes grease zerk, pulley lock nut, blade lock nut and washer. Mounting holes do not have thread. PULLEY PART NUMBER: 129861 173436 153535 177865 532129861 532173436 PULLEY SPECS. Center Hole 5 Point Star. Width 5/8″ Length 135″. Z 248F – 967303601 (2015-01) Z 248F – 967303602 (2015-01) Z 248F – 967336701 (2015-01).
Deck Rebuild Kit Husqvarna 54 RZ5424 RZ5426 RZ5422 RZ54i Z254. (3) Complete Spindle Assembly 80-12-001 replaces OEM. Ariens: 21546238, 21546299, 21549012. AYP: 187292, 192870, 532192870, 587125401. Husqvarna: 192870, 532187281, 532187292, 532192870, 539112057, 587253301. McCulloch: 532 19 28-70. (1) 5/8 X 154 Deck Belt 80-90-960 Replaces OEM. (3) 18-1/2 Blade 11180 replaces OEM. AYP: 187254, 187256, 33954, 532187256, 574292401, 575938401, 917187254, 917532187254, 917532187256, 917539112053, 917777187256. Husqvarna: 532187254, 532187256, 539112053, 777187256. Poulan: 532187256, 539112053, 574292401, 575938401, 777187256. (3) Spindle Pulleys 80-91-050 Replaces OEM. AYP: 129861, 153535, 173436, 532173436. (2) Idler Pulley 80-91-093 replaces OEM. AYP 196106, 197379, 532196106. Craftsman 196106, 197379, 532196106. Husqvarna 196106, 197379, 532196106. (1) Idler Pulley 80-91-096 Replaces OEM. Husqvarna 196104, 197380, 532196104, 532197380. DOES NOT FIT 247 MODELS. ALL PULLEYS MAY COME SILVER BLACK OR GOLD. WHAT EVER COLOR WE HAVE INSTOCK.