Air filter housing is brand new, never used. Has a little scuffing from being stored and moved but has been kept inside in a shop. Unsure just what type of mower or machine it will fit. Sale is for housing only, no air filter.
Compatible with Wright 72460036. Compatible with Standers and compatible with Wright Zero Turns. 4 Ply Tire with Black Rim. THE STORY OF THE STORE. Since 1994, Lawn Mower Tire Store has supplied its customers with high quality tires, wheels, inner tubes, and bearings at extremely competitive prices. Above all, LMTS has dedicated itself to making sure that all customers receive their products in a correct and timely manner. The evidence speaks for itself.
ABS Wheel Speed Sensor. ATV / Motorcycle Drive Chain. ATV/Motor Chain & Sprocket Kit. Condition: 100% Brand New. Fitment Type: Direct replacement. Please allow 1-3mm differs due to manual measurement. Pup and Lightening Models 2008 & Up. 3 x Spindle Assembly. (No service on Weekend and public holidays). After we have a fully communication. All return products should be in brand new state with all accessories included.
This is a genuine replacement part. 19A30018 Triple Rear Bagger. 19A70043 RZT Twin Bagger. 50 & 54-Inch Bagger Kit. 50 & 54-Inch Double Bagger. 50″ & 54″ Leaf Collection System. If you do not know if the replacement part is suitable for your model number please tell us We want to save you time Let us answer the questions about the parts you need. Regardless of the part you need that are not on our list please let us know the part number you need and your model number. We will offer for you with the most favorable price in the market. We are always working hard to ensure your package arrives as soon as possible. We do not accept P. Please provide a physical address.
THE STORY OF THE STORE. Since 1994, Lawn Mower Tire Store has supplied its customers with high quality tires, wheels, inner tubes, and bearings at extremely competitive prices. Above all, LMTS has dedicated itself to making sure that all customers receive their products in a correct and timely manner. The evidence speaks for itself.
Dixie Chopper Complete Front Wheel Assembly (15×6x8) for Lawn Mowers fits Classic, Xcaliber, Eagle/Eagle HP, 3066LP, 3074LP, ECO-EAGLE66, XC3356, XC3366, XC3374, XC4074 / 400439. / STARTS BRAND AND MODELS / html{box-sizing:border-box}, :before, :after{box-sizing:inherit} html{-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%}body{margin:0} article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, main, menu, nav, section{display:block}summary{display:list-item} audio, canvas, progress, video{display:inline-block}progress{vertical-align:baseline} audio:not([controls]){display:none;height:0}[hidden], template{display:none} a{background-color:transparent}a:active, a:hover{outline-width:0} abbr[title]{border-bottom:none;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline dotted} b, strong{font-weight:bolder}dfn{font-style:italic}mark{background:#ff0;color:#000} small{font-size:80%}sub, sup{font-size:75%;line-height:0;position:relative;vertical-align:baseline} sub{bottom:-0.25em}sup{top:-0.5em}figure{margin:1em 40px}img{border-style:none} code, kbd, pre, samp{font-family:monospace, monospace;font-size:1em}hr{box-sizing:content-box;height:0;overflow:visible} button, input, select, textarea, optgroup{font:inherit;margin:0}optgroup{font-weight:bold} button, input{overflow:visible}button, select{text-transform:none} button, [type=button], [type=reset], [type=submit]{-webkit-appearance:button} button::-moz-focus-inner, [type=button]::-moz-focus-inner, [type=reset]::-moz-focus-inner, [type=submit]::-moz-focus-inner{border-style:none;padding:0} / End extract / html, body{font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; line-height: 1.1}html{overflow-x:hidden} h1{font-size: 22px}h2{font-size:30px}h3{font-size:24px}h4{font-size:20px}h5{font-size:18px}h6{font-size:16px}. 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Pic_gallery img {position:absolute; width:auto; height:auto; left:0; top:0; bottom:0; right:0; margin:auto;}. Pic_sm {position:relative; overflow:hidden; float:left; display:block;}. Pic_lg {position:absolute; overflow:hidden; display:none; left:0%; top:0%; z-index:1;}. Pic_lg div {position:absolute; left:0%; top:0%; right:0%; bottom:0%;}. Pic_main {position:relative; display:block; float:left; z-index:0;} / turn on default large photo /. 5; border:1px solid;. Pic_gallery input {position:absolute; top:0; left:0; visibility:hidden;}. Pic_gallery input:checked + label + div. Pic_gallery input:checked + label opacity. Dixie Chopper Front Wheel Assembly for Lawn Mowers. Dixie Chopper Part # 400439. This high-quality component is made of durable metal with a rubber and plastic housing. Please verify the original Dixie Chopper part number in your owner’s manual or on the appropriate parts diagram of your model for correct location and fitment of this item. Dimensions: 15″ x 6″ x 8. Package Qty: (1) Dixie Chopper Complete Front Wheel Assembly. View Compatible Models by Brand. Replaces Dixie Chopper Part #s. Compatible with the Following Dixie Chopper Models. 2014 Xcaliber 5474 Twin. Classic 2750 T (2012). Classic 2750 W (2012). Classic 2760 T (2012). Classic 2760 W (2012). Classic 3360 W (2012). Classic 3560 T (2012). May Fit Additional Models & Brands Which Are NOT Listed Above. Since 1966 Power Mower Sales has been a premier family-owned Outdoor Power Equipment superstore. We specialize in equipment, parts and accessories for homeowners, commercial landscapers, businesses and municipalities alike. We are authorized dealers for over 35 major brands of Power Equipment. Our knowledgeable & friendly staff is committed to delivering superior customer service and getting you the parts you need fast. Important: Please seek our help if you are unsure of the part number. You will need the make & model. Waved if you reorder the correct part with us. Electrical parts are not returnable. Need help locating a part? Just have a question? Please use this link.
Set of 2 – 13×6.50-6 4-PLY Smooth Tire & Wheel Assembly – Compatible with Toro Model No. 400000000 and up, plus many others. THE STORY OF THE STORE. Since 1994, Lawn Mower Tire Store has supplied its customers with high quality tires, wheels, inner tubes, and bearings at extremely competitive prices. Above all, LMTS has dedicated itself to making sure that all customers receive their products in a correct and timely manner. The evidence speaks for itself.
Ariens 51537300 – Genuine OEM Ariens Product, Part Number: 51537300 Replaces OEM Part Number: 51530700 Fits: Ariens Edge, Ikon XD Fits: Gravely ZT XL Deck Spindle Assembly Genuine Ariens Part # 51537300. Ariens 51537300 Gravely Deck Spindle Assembly Edge Ikon XD GT XL Mowers. Ariens Part Number: 51537300 Replaces Previous MPN: 51530700 Compatible with the following Models: Gravely ZTX 60 Gravely ZT XL 60 Ariens Ikon-XL 60 Ariens Ikon-XD 60 Ariens Edge 42. We are proud to be a factory authorized retailer. We use several different carriers and choose the most economical for the item and destination based on the estimated transit time displayed. FixMyToys – A Division of Ball Equipment.
Fit For the Following Models. Craftsman – T100, T85, Z5800. Cub Cadet – XT1-GT54 Fab, XT1-ST54 Fab, ZT1-54 Fab, ZT1-54P Fab, ZT2-54 Fab, ZTS2-54 Fab. Troy-Bilt – Mustang 54XP, Mustang Z54, Pony 36, Pony 36T. Please leave us your full name, your telephone number and detailed address when ordering. We try our best to pack the products as good and safe as possible, so they always arrive in a good condition. We offer sophisticated products at a high technological level, with the highest possible quality and the most favorable price. With these parts you can replace your defective parts simply plug and play. 24 months without mileage limitation. Please compare carefully with Photos or OE number before purchasing the part. We try our best to pack the products as good and safe as possible, so they always arrive in a good condition. With these parts you can replace your defective parts simply plug and play. Please compare carefully with Photos or OE number before purchasing the part.
Deck Size: 36″, 48″, 52″, 61″ and 72. Width: 132.3 mm. Length: 132.3 mm. Mounting Hole Distance: 115 mm. SCZ48V-22FX (Cheetah) (S/N J9600001-J9699999). SCZ48V-22FX (Cheetah) (S/N L6100001-L6199999). SCZ48V-23CV (Cheetah) (S/N J9700001-J9799999). SCZ48V-23CV-EFI (Cheetah) (S/N L6200001-L6299999). SCZ48V-25CV (Cheetah) (S/N H6800001-H6899999). SCZ48V-26BS (Cheetah) (S/N K4400001-K4499999). SCZ48V-28BS (Cheetah) (S/N H6900001-H6999999). SCZ48V-691FX (Cheetah) (S/N H6700001-H6799999). SCZ52V-23FX (Cheetah) (S/N J9900001-J9999999). SCZ52V-23FX (Cheetah) (S/N L6300001-L6399999). SCZ52V-25CV (Cheetah) (S/N K0000001-K0099999). SCZ52V-25CV-EFI (Cheetah) (S/N K0100001-K0199999). SCZ52V-25CV-EFI (Cheetah) (S/N L6400001-L6499999). SCZ52V-26BS (Cheetah) (S/N K0200001-K0299999). SCZ52V-27CV (Cheetah) (S/N H7100001-H7199999). SCZ52V-28BS (Cheetah) (S/N H7200001-H7299999). SCZ52V-730FX (Cheetah) (S/N H7000001-H7099999). SCZ61RD-31FX (Cheetah) (S/N K0800001-K0899999). SCZ61RD-31FX (Cheetah) (S/N L7000001-L7099999). SCZ61RD-921FX (Cheetah) (S/N H7900001-H7999999). SCZ61V-27FX (Cheetah) (S/N K0300001-K0399999). SCZ61V-27FX (Cheetah) (S/N L6500001-L6599999). SCZ61V-29CV-EFI (Cheetah) (S/N M2300001-M2399999). SCZ61V-31FX (Cheetah) (S/N F5000001-F5099999). SCZ61V-31FX (Cheetah) (S/N K0400001-K0499999). SCZ61V-31FX (Cheetah) (S/N L6600001-L6699999). SCZ61V-32BV (Cheetah) (S/N F5100001-F5199999). SCZ61V-32CV (Cheetah) (S/N K0500001-K0599999). SCZ61V-34CV-EFI (Cheetah) (S/N K0600001-K0699999). SCZ61V-34KH (Cheetah) (S/N F8400001-F8499999). SCZ61V-34KH (Cheetah) (S/N G3800001-G3899999). SCZ61V-34KH (Cheetah) (S/N H7700001-H7799999). SCZ61V-35CV-EFI (Cheetah) (S/N L6800001-L6899999). SCZ61V-36BV (Cheetah) (S/N G3900001-G3999999). SCZ61V-36BV (Cheetah) (S/N H7800001-H7899999). SCZ61V-36BV (Cheetah) (S/N K0700001-K0799999). SCZ61V-850FX (Cheetah) (S/N G3500001-G3599999). SCZ61V-850FX (Cheetah) (S/N H7500001-H7599999). SCZ61V-921FX Cheetah (S/N G3700001-G3799999). SCZ61V-921FX (Cheetah) (S/N H7600001-H7699999). SCZ72V-31FX (Cheetah) (S/N K0900001-K0999999). SCZ72V-31FX (Cheetah) (S/N L7100001-L7199999). SCZ72V-32CV (Cheetah) (S/N K1000001-K1099999). SCZ72V-34CV-EFI (Cheetah) (S/N K1100001-K1199999). SCZ72V-34FX (Cheetah) (S/N F5200001-F5299999). SCZ72V-34KH (Cheetah) (S/N F8500001-F8599999). SCZ72V-34KH (Cheetah) (S/N G4100001-G4199999). SCZ72V-34KH (Cheetah) (S/N H8100001-H8199999). SCZ72V-35CV-EFI (Cheetah) (S/N L7200001-L7299999). SCZ72V-36BV (Cheetah) (S/N G4200001-G4299999). SCZ72V-36BV (Cheetah) (S/N H8200001-H8299999). SCZ72V-36BV (Cheetah) (S/N K1200001-K1299999). SCZ72V-921FX (Cheetah) (S/N G4000001-G4099999). SCZ72V-921FX (Cheetah) (S/N H8000001-H8099999). SM-61V (Turf Tiger) (S/N D8900001-D8999999). SM-72A (Turf Tiger) (S/N D9000001-D9099999). SMST-61A Sabre Tooth Tiger (S/N A7500001-A7599999). SMST-61V Sabre Tooth Tiger (S/N B7800001-B7899999). SMST-72A (Turf Tiger) (S/N E0000001-E0099999). SMST-72A Sabre Tooth Tiger (S/N A7600001-A7699999). SMST-72A Sabre Tooth Tiger (S/N B7900001-B7999999). SMST-72A Turf Tiger (C9000001-C9099999). SMST-72A Turf Tiger (S/N A7600001-A7699999). SMST-72A Turf Tiger (S/N B7900001-B7999999). SMST-72A Turf Tiger (S/N E0000001-E0099999). SMT-52A Turf Tiger (S/N A7100001-A7199999). SMT-52V (Turf Tiger) (S/N D9400001-D9499999). SMT-52V Turf Tiger (C8500001-C8599999). SMT-52V Turf Tiger (S/N B7400001-B7499999). SMT-52V Turf Tiger (S/N D9400001-D9499999). SMT-61A (31BV) Turf Tiger (S/N A7300001-A7399999). SMT-61A Turf Tiger (S/N A7200001-A7299999). SMT-61V (BVAC, BV) (Turf Tiger) (S/N D9900001-D9999999). SMT-61V (BVAC, BV) Turf Tiger (C8700001-C8799999). SMT-61V (BVAC, BV) Turf Tiger (S/N B7600001-B7699999). SMT-61V (Turf Tiger) (S/N D9500001-D9599999). SMT-61V STT-31EFI Turf Tiger (S/N D9500001-D9599999). SMT-61V Turf Tiger (C8600001-C8699999). SMT-61V Turf Tiger (S/N B7500001-B7599999). SMT-61V Turf Tiger (S/N D9500001-D9599999). SMT-72V (Diesel Turf Tiger) (S/N G6600001-G6699999). SMT-72V (Turf Tiger) (S/N J1200001-J1299999).