Sun Shield Compact Tractor Canopy, 4550SB 45 x 50

Sun Shield Compact Tractor Canopy, 4550SB 45 x 50

Sun Shield Compact Tractor Canopy, 4550SB 45 x 50

Sun Shield Compact Tractor Canopy, 4550SB 45 x 50

Sun Shield Compact Tractor Canopy, 4550SB – 45″ x 50″. The Sun Shield offers exceptional coverage to keep you out of the elements. It is made out of UV resistant, high-density X-ABS, rigid plastic. It also features a lightweight aluminum frame, scratch/rust resistant, powder-coated cross members and mounting brackets, and is easy to install. The Sun Sheild can fold down for easy transport and Includes the canopy & ROPS hardware Kit. Must be unused. Must be in original packaging if applicable.

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Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 05 Sep 2024 @ 05 57 AM

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