FITS TORO 21 COMMERCIAL. PLEASE ASK QUESTION BEFORE PURCHASING. THIS WILL NOT FIT ALL APPLICATIONS. ALWAYS order by PART NUMBER never by Description…….. ALWAYS order by PART NUMBER never by Description……. A Message to our valued Customers. All-pro Supply staff strives to provide clear and concise product information and Part numbers. We understand that sometimes it can be difficult to confirm product compatibility. Nothing is worse than having to return a product, trust us… Let’s work together to avoid this! If you are unsure as to whether or not this is the correct product for your unit, please ask. If you seek assistance we will need as much of the following information as possible, if applicable, to help you find the product you are looking for. Spec and/or Type Number. Code and/or Serial Number. ALWAYS order by PART NUMBER never by Description. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Lawn Mowers, Parts & Accessories\Lawn Mower Parts”. The seller is “allpro-supply_92530″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.