John Deere Riding 42 Lawn Mower Deck Rebuild Kit with Blade Spindle Pulleys and Mounting Bolts. Please match Replacement OEM Part #’s before ordering. 2 – Replacement GY20050 / GY20785 Spindles with grease zerks. 2 – Replacement GY20249 / GY20567 / GX20785 Blades. 1 – Replacement GY20110 / GY20629 / GY22082 pulley and 1 GY20067 Pulley. 1 – Replacement GX20072 / GY20570 belt. 2 – Replacement Spindle Pulleys. 8 – Replacement GX20234, GX22456 Bolts. Spindles are also not threaded, must use original bolts or bolts that are sent with some of our custom made kits. If you need the bolts please order proper deck rebuild kit. Please match OEM part #’s needed for proper fitment as some models have more than one spindle that fit them. Our (PATS SMALL ENGINE PLUS) Part # DECKIT40.